Converters are Python libraries that run on x86 and are used to convert Keras or ONNX models to ElcoreNN format.

ElcoreNN model format
ElcoreNN model format is represented by two files. The first is a JSON file that describes the layers of the model. The second is a binary file that contains the weights of the model.
keras-elcorenn and onnx-elcorenn convert Keras and ONNX model to ElcoreNN model format.
keras-elcorenn is a Python library that converts a model from Keras to ElcoreNN.
python version >=3.7
Download keras-elcorenn archive:
wget --no-check-certificate -O keras-elcorenn-1.0.0.tar.gz \
Activate virtual environment:
python3 -m venv env source ./env/bin/activate
Installation from archive:
pip install keras-elcorenn-1.0.0.tar.gz
Convert model:
python -m keras2elcorenn.convert --keras-model=<path-to-keras-model>
To see more options run:
python -m keras2elcorenn.convert --help
onnx-elcorenn is a Python library that converts a model from ONNX to ElcoreNN.
Download onnx-elcorenn archive and extract:
wget --no-check-certificate -O onnxparser-v1.3.0.tar.gz \ tar xfv onnxparser-v1.3.0.tar.gz
Install requirements (it is recommended to use a virtual environment):
cd onnxparser-v1.3.0 python3.6 -m venv env source ./env/bin/activate pip install --upgrade pip pip install -r requirements.txt
Put your onnx model to
folder.Run converter:
python -n <model-name.onnx> -at
Converter will write result to
folder.To see more options run:
python --help
or see file.
Supported operators
For all Keras layers keras-elcorenn supports only NHWC data format.
keras-elcorenn supports the following Keras layers:
Keras layer |
Restrictions |
Activation |
only linear, relu, relu6, softmax, leakyrelu, sigmoid |
Add |
AveragePooling2D |
BatchNormalization |
Concatenate/Merge |
Conv1D |
dilation_rate=1, groups=1 |
Conv2D |
dilation_rate=1, groups=1 |
Conv2DTranspose |
dilation_rate=1, filters value is divisible by 32 |
Dense |
DepthwiseConv2D |
dilation_rate=1, depth_multiplier=1 |
Flatten |
GlobalAveragePooling2D |
InputLayer |
L2Normalization |
MaxPooling2D |
Multiply |
Permute |
ReLU |
Reshape |
Softmax |
UpSampling2D |
interpolation=”nearest” |
ZeroPadding2D |
onnx-elcorenn supports the following ONNX Operators:
ONNX Operators |
Restrictions |
Add (including broadcasting) |
only for 2 tensors |
BatchNormalization |
Cast |
fixed point isn’t supported |
Concat |
Conv |
conv_dimensions=[1,2], dilations=1, group=[1 or in_channels] |
ConstantOfShape |
Div |
Erf |
Equal |
Exp |
Expand |
Flatten |
Gather |
Gemm |
used as full-connected layer |
GlobalAveragePool |
2D |
Identity |
MaxPool |
2D, dilations=1 |
Mul (including broadcasting) |
only for 2 tensors |
Pow |
Range |
ReLU |
ReLU6 |
Reshape |
Resize |
Shape |
Sigmoid |
Slice |
Softmax |
Sqrt |
Sub (including broadcasting) |
only for 2 tensors |
Transpose |
Unsqueeze |
Where |