// ******************** risc_timer.c ***************************************
//                 Risc-Dsp runtime library
// Interface to IT and WDT timers using ITSCALE, ITPERIOD and
// ITCSR registers
// (c) multicore.ru
// *******************************************************************
#ifndef _RISC_TIMER_H_
#define _RISC_TIMER_H_

#define RISC_CLK_PER_MSEC 240000

#ifdef	__cplusplus
extern "C" {

// Uncomment term below if you don't want dma time counting

struct risc_sys_timer
  float it_ms_time;
  float dsp_ms_time;
  float dma_ms_time;

// Section: Functions

// Function: risc_it_setup
// Setup IT timer
// Parameters:
//      period - Period of timer. Frequency = CLK/period.
//      clk_src - (0,1,2) - 0 for CPU CLK, 1 for XTI, 2 for RTCXTI
// Examples:
//  > risc_it_setup(10000, 0);
void risc_it_setup(unsigned int period, int clk_src);

// Function: risc_it_start
// Starts IT timer
void risc_it_start();

// Function: risc_it_stop
// Stops IT timer
void risc_it_stop();

// Function: risc_tics_start
// Setup and starts ITtimer for clock counting in tics
void risc_tics_start();

// Function: risc_tics_get
// Get clock since "risc_clock_start" in tics. To get miliseconds -
// divide return value by "RISC_CLK_PER_MSEC"
// Return:
//      unsigned int   - clocks
unsigned int risc_tics_get();

// Function: risc_clk_ms_start
// Setup and starts ITtimer for clock counting in milliseconds. Uses timer interrupt.
// You must use interrupt handler from library ("risc_interrupt_handler.s") or use our own.
// If you use your own handler, you must extern "_risc_clk_counter" and increment it by 1.
void risc_clk_ms_start();

// Function: risc_clk_ms_get
// Get clock since "risc_clock_start" in milliseconds. Uses timer interrupt.
// Return:
//      float   - time in ms
float risc_clk_ms_get();

// Function: sys_time_init
// Initialize timers
void sys_time_init();

// Function: sys_time_get
// Fills struct risc_sys_timer to get dma and IT time in milliseconds.
void sys_time_get(struct risc_sys_timer* tmr);

#ifdef	__cplusplus

#endif // _RISC_TIMER_H_