// ******************** utimers.h ***********************************
//                 Arm-Dsp runtime library
// This file implements interface to universal timers. They works from
// SPLL frequency. There are 8 UTimers, num is in range 0..7
// (c) multicore.ru
// *******************************************************************

#ifndef UTIMERS_H
#define	UTIMERS_H

#ifdef	__cplusplus
extern "C" {
#define TIMERS_BASE 0x38026000
#define TIMER0_LOAD_COUNT2     *((volatile unsigned int*)0x380260B0)
#define TIMER1_LOAD_COUNT2     *((volatile unsigned int*)0x380260B4)
#define TIMERS_INT_STATUS      *((volatile unsigned int*)0x380260A0)
#define TIMERS_EOI             *((volatile unsigned int*)0x380260A4)
#define TIMERS_INT_RAW_STATUS  *((volatile unsigned int*)0x380260A8)

typedef struct
    volatile unsigned int LoadReg;          //Timers Load Register
    volatile unsigned int ValReg;           //Timers Counter Register
    volatile unsigned int CntrlReg;         //Timers Control Register
    volatile unsigned int EOIReg;           //Timers End-of-Interrupt Register
    volatile unsigned int IntrStatus;       //Timers Interrupt Status Register

universal_timer_t* getUTimerHandler(int num);
enum ERL_ERROR initUTimer(int num, int load_val, int enable_int);
unsigned int getUTimerCounter(int num);
void resetUTimerInt(int num);
void disableUTimer(int num);

// Function: start_utimer
// Setup and starts universal timer for clock counting
// Parameters:
//      num      - number of timer (0-7)
// Return:
//      enum ERL_ERROR   - error type
enum ERL_ERROR start_utimer(int num);

// Function: utimer_tics_get
// Get clock since "start_utimer" in tics of SPLL
// Parameters:
//      num      - number of timer (0-7)
// Return:
//      unsigned long long   - ticks
unsigned long long utimer_tics_get(int num);

#ifdef	__cplusplus

#endif	/* UTIMERS_H */